(photos taken within seconds of each other).
To up the ante, Small Fry (the most intelligent 9 year old in the world) and I decided to paint ourselves and pretend for a moment that we were enlightened....
Webbie sloshed on the green paint and made me into Green Tara and Sean became a little mini Dzambala. Who said you can't become a Buddha overnight man.
And just to get Kechara even MORE attention, we took a walk around the fair (oh god, I like SO love attention, ego ego ego!)
Actually, Tara is supposed to look royal, gorgeous, svelte, greeeeeeeeen and pretty like this
And Dzambala looks regal and filthy-rich, zing-bling like this:
"OH MY GOD, what a fat version of me. Some more got such short eyelashes. What total samsara injustice!" (Okay, not really cos she's full of compassion and no ego).
I was also called A martian, Mrs Shrek, the Swamp Thing and The Incredible Hulk, which REALLY did not impress me. hmph.
We heard later that some people thought we were taking trance and came up to pray to us. OH DEAR. Then annoying little bratty kids danced around in front of me and tried to irritate me into moving. I swear if they'd touched me, I'd have poked them in the eye with my plastic lotus. I tried to deal with it by trying to channel compassionate Tara energy - ommmmmmmmmm - when all I wanted to do was slap them. Evidently, I'm really NOT someone worth coming up to pray to just yet.
Anyway, we got warnings and bans! The organisers didn't like us walking around - we were supposed to stay within the confines of our booth. Like gee, every single booth here is promoting the same thing (Dharma) so what difference does it make man.
Then somebody put a little bowl in front of Dzambala (just to see lah what happens), and someone put in some loose change and the organisers got het up again and took the bowl away, stating that we were soliciting funds and were begging for alms.
Like gee. It's just a gimmick. We weren't even asking people to put donations. If I'm being honest, I'd say I just wanted attention because I have an enormous, self-absorbed ego. So get over all your funny rules man.
Then they kept coming up to our booth and trying to get us to move our posters in because they claimed it was blocking the walkway. Our posters are like 1 1/2 foot wide, and the walkway is about 5 metres across. GEE.
The next day, they rang up good old Henry and said, "I hope you're not going to do anything special today."
So no more green and gold paint.
Not that that stops any of us. We shall always endeavour to get attention and so we did.
Fabulous adorable I-wish-he-was-straight Eric Choong turned up to help volunteer. HE IS SO DAMN CUTE and I want to put him in my pocket and take him home.
It was fun just to see everyone bustling about the booth and having people walk in and out (and challenge us with their funny questions). Nothing feels quite as happy as having a busy booth.
Rinpoche's YouTube videos have already hit a 100,000 mark within just 6 months. He gets an absurd number of hits that go well into the thousands on website every month and we have HEAPS of emails from people all over the world wanting to come visit KL and Kechara (Pak Lah should SO give us a cut for bringing people into the country!) And our books are right up there next to Vickie MacKenzie's Tenzin Palmo book on the shelves of Singapore's Borders. Wheeeeeeeee! Famous Amos!
With all The Many Facets of a Wisdom Diamond, how can we go anywhere but up!!! Hot damn Joy and Justin made a rocking poster - they are so damn crever with their design (Joy, you SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOO have to design EVERYTHING for KMP forever and ever and ever. pleeeeeeeeease) ---->
Anyways, it was all fun fun fun right up until the last day when we finally took everything down and kissed Suntec City good bye. It was totally exhausting (I will never laugh at or ever be mean to exhibitors ever again, I promise) but rewarding and happy. Next up - the London Book Fair?!
Now we're back to the normal doldrums - it's time to put noses to the grindstone and churn out lots more volumes for next year. Joe's already got a big list of work cut out for a Dolly - absolutely no rest for the weary?
The most perverse thing is that I'm actually looking forward to it.
More work?
And lazy me is happy about it?
How is that even possible?!!!!!!!!!