Fit, green Dolly

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On the up: Feeling fit
On the down: People fitter than you!

I have pictures! (finally after a very long spell).

Because we never, EVER meet up and see each other only during the very occasional, very rare BodyStep launch, we FORCED each other to stay back for lunch after the launch on Sunday.

And of course, this means that we HAVE to take photos because we are posers (all BodySteppers are a little bit posery, otherwise we wouldn't be in BodyStep!). Photos are also a good thing because after about six months of not seeing each other, there's something to remind us of what everyone actually looks like.

The MINUTE we sat down, Teoh took out his fancy phone and took CLOSE UP photos of all of us to attach to our contacts - so everytime we call him our ugly mugs will show up... so I will not be calling him in a while.

Then, we noticed that all the boys were wearing traffic colour colours! (or Starburst sweeties)


Later, because I was so very pleased with my bright new green top AND doubly doubly pleased that someone else was also wearing the same lurid colour, I had to take a photo of us channelling Green Taras/Granny Smith apples.

Ok usually, I hate cheesy group pictures - the kind they put up on mantelpieces or around your wake when you die to remind the world of what a smiling, happy person you were when you were alive. Eewwww.

But this one has to go in only because I think my hair looks cute in it. (I said my HAIR, not ME okay, so stop throwing rocks at me)

I was feeling very, very, very extremely fit and healthy and worked out like never before after all that stepping. In fact, one day later and I'm still feeling extremely fit and healthy and worked out like never before because my arms hurt like the end of the world.

Anyway, so I was terribly extremely YSG and ordered salad for lunch to do the whole wonderful detox, purification, clean, fit, healthy thing. Doesn't really work of course, because I had MacDonalds for lunch today.

The thing is of course, you can never truly feel that fit when you're having lunch with two veteran bodystep instructors. Peh. I couldn't help but notice, from my place next to the instructor's stage, that Teoh's legs look like they're made of plastic - this is probably because I haven't seen legs-with-muscle in a while, seeing as mine are now more akin to Japanese tofu. It was totally WOW. It was really almost, almost like Spiderman. (Okay, so I'm just a perve looking at instructors' legs instead of concentrating on the work).

That said, tomorrow morning shall find me at the gym, in my own bid to achieve Wonder Woman's thighs.

Well, that is, if I can wake up.


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