Bodystep Dolly

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On the up: Bodystep!
On the down: Low levels of fitness

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

The Bodystep Bunny is back to bouncing about a step board.... Not with quite as much gusto as before, but heck, what can you expect after 2 years of being out of action.

Dug myself early early out of bed today to go to Steven's BodyStep launch at The Curve. I'm so mighty proud of getting out of bed for exercise - that's half the battle won really. The next half is actually to survive the hour.

But my two favourite BodyStep boys, Steven and Teoh, were on stage instructing today so die die I had to make it there and look presentable. I haven't seen them in AGES!

Dollyface Lannie came too. I don't know what she's been doing, but she is looking more and more like a Porcelain Dolly and/or like a precious Chinese princess from the mountains. She is so Wen Cheng!

Anyway, just so my legs don't internally implode on their nerves, I set my board to the lowest step and channeled an 80-year-old woman in my attempts to step safe and soft.

Track 1, 2, 3, 4 I was all okay.

By the time we got to track 6, I thought

I stopped bothering, and took all the easy options instead. Even Lannie stopped bothering. We just did whatever. We didn't even care anymore if people thought we were wusses. Even the half-arsed arm lifts and stepping was a HUGE exertion!

When I got to track 10, I wondered all the way through the agony how it is I used to do it at a 110% energy level, on a high board level and even have energy to whoop and be happy about it!

Heck, I used to go through all that, and then go straight to BodyCombat/Yoga/Swimming after that. Now leh... track six already want to pengsan and curl up on the workout mats and go to sleep!

I hate being unfit!

But just you watch, BodyStep Bunnies are not BodyStep Bunnies for nothing. I'll be back in action all too soon, and the cute little midriff Nike tops shall be brought out from the back of the wardrobe again :)


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