Shallow Dolly

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On the up: Being silly
On the down: Shallow materialism

JJ said I'm getting too shallow but I can't help it.

And it seems to be getting worse too. I don't understand. I'm supposed to be getting more siddhi-fied, more renounced, more unattached!

First, there was that thing about Joe's car, and how I thought he looked hotter now that he had a nicer car (although, truly, you wouldn't be very turned on by the bashed up, dusty tin can he was driving around before)

Then yesterday, I was walking around 1Utama with JJ, past one of those ridiculous pink shops filled with enough cushions to suffocate an orphanage to death. I said, "I want someone to love me soooo much that they'll buy me a pink heart cushion."

JJ just looked at me, sighed and said, "Oh my god, what happened to you, why are you so shallow?!"

I walked past La Senza and proclaimed that I absolutely must have one of those new seamless bras. JJ looked at me, sighed and said, "I don't get it. It's just underwear!" (Oh ho ho, not just any underwear, my dear!)

Later in the evening, I decided that I absolutely have to go find myself some terribly rich boyfriend who adores me so much he'll just throw tens of thousands of pocket money at me every week.

Think of all the Dharma stuff I can do - the statues! the offerings! supporting the Ladrang! helping the Gaden monks!

And of course, let's not forget: the occasional shopping spree at Pavilion! lots of branded makeup! dinners everywhere! holidays in Bali!

I want a rich boyfriend. I WANT.

Then, there was this terribly lomantic story about some wedding rings about somebody I know some more! which me go all "awwww" and "ooooh" and "ahhhhhhhhh" and *blink blink*.

And now, I like SO want someone to fall trulymadlydeeply in love with me and buy me a big fat diamond ring and marry me so I can have a big fat wedding.

Okay, not really. These are just things you think about when all you really want is to take someone (a certain someone?) home to bed and languish for hours underneath the covers teehee.


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