Bombed Dolly

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On the up: Getting news
On the down: Land mines

I'd never had so many land mines explode in my face in one day as I did yesterday. It was constantly BANG





By midnight, all I could do was go sit in a very quiet, dark corner by myself and drink a Coke. I was hoping that if I stayed very still and nobody noticed me, then there would be less chances of another BANG going off.

I mean, c'mon, there's only so much bad news a girl can take in a day without it affecting her nerves some how! It this was the 18th century, I would have exhausted all my smelling salts by now.

JP was the last land mine of the day. That one exploded, and set of another 20 smaller explosions so it just bang bang bang bang bang bang bang banged incessantly for a good 10 minutes, which is quite long when it's that consistent.

It was him telling us that SP was now temporarily Rinpoche's personal attendant, which suddenly threw a whole lot of things off balance. Now, not only was I panicking, and thinking of how I was going to assuage all the bitchin' I would most definitely get from the Rest of The World, but JP also kept repeating the fact.

But he's Rinpoche's personal attendant you know.
He's Rinpoche's personal attendant.
Are you going to take away Rinpoche's personal attendant?
He's Rinpoche's personal attendant, you know?
But he's Rinpoche's personal attendant!
Do you want me to tell Rinpoche that you're taking away his personal attendant?
He's Rinpoche's personal attendant!
But he's Rinpoche's personal attendant!
He's Rinpoche's personal attendant though.
But he's Rinpoche's personal attendant.
How can you take away Rinpoche's personal attendant?

It went on and on.
chitty chitty BANG BANG.

Even as we tried to put out the fire and solve the problem, he was still reminding us that SP was Rinpoche's personal attendant just in case we hadn't heard it the first 11 times.

I SCREAMED as only a banshee would. "OKAY ENOUGH ALREADY You don't have to keep telling us 50 times, I get it, I'm trying to solve it already!"

At which point he told me I had to deal with it and have more patience.... at which point it was all I could do to reach over and strangle him with his own shirt.

Land mines are still bearable.
As is the fact that he repeated the land mine about 12 times in under 5 minutes.
BUT condescension and self righteousness will NEVER sit well with this girl.

Eventually, I did a spot of driving very fast down the LDP and then went home to sleep finally, at almost 5am.

Sure felt good for the land mines to stop exploding for just those few hours. Mondays are never good news, after all.


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