Dumbed down Dolly

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On the up: Good writing
On the down: Degenerating...

Because I'm so very bored this evening, I decided to traipse back to the world of my old blog and read all the wonderful things I had to say about the world then. (Some of you might remember it? It caused such a stir, I even got hate-comments for it!)

See, I've been getting compliments about DollyGirl and my head's been getting a bit big and floaty, so just to make myself feel even more RAH about How Fantastic My Blogging Is, I thought rereading things from 3 years ago might be fun.


when I did revisit the blog and start reading, I got horribly shocked at just how much better my writing was then, than it is now.

Ironic, really, since I had thought it was being too up-myself and intellectual at the time and so killed it off to start a new blog that would be a bit more dumb. Now I realise it's all gone a bit wrong, and instead I've totallycompletelyutterly dumbed myself down over the last year. Can't write a proper sentence now, least of all one that sounds remotely as poetic as I could conjure up before.

Poor stupid me.

Anyway, all you newbies to DollyGirl shan't get the link to The Other One because now that I've realised how stoopid I've become, I'm not very well going to point you towards something that will only highlight the degeneration of my brain capacity, am I?! (I can only be bribed with lots of Amaretto and lemon if you really want to read it).

On the upside though, I'm now also writing for Notes from Venus which was recently started by some of my favourite people in KL. Go read, support, comment and talk about it; or I'll hurl my slippers at you.


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