I am so easily amused

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On the up: Cheap thrills
On the down: Expensive highs

I was so excited about the cupcake thing that I took photos of it on my phone and sent it to everyone. "Look look! See my fabulous cupcakes!"

I dropped some over to DameKhang and insisted they all eat one. When I came back 2 hours later I could hear Seng Piow shouting from the back room, "THEY'RE SO SWEET!"

Yalah, that's the whole point! "Yah but are they nice or not?!"

"Yah but they're SO SWEET"!


It got me thinking how really stupid small idiotic nonsense things really excite me but when you tell me something important I'm just "Oh...err... really? And then forget."

Like yesterday, I found a website that sold Vintage Strawberry Shortcake dolls. There was no one else around at the time so I flipped out to myself and made excited noises into the keyboard.

I was so excited that when I went into work I squealed down at everyone else: "OHMYGOD DoyourememberStrawberryShortcake?"

Sophia knit her eyebrows together and said, "Is that a band?"


And then just the other day I realised I'm going to Italy with Paul and Joe which is (yay!) just like the uber trendy French Paul & Joe who do the best clothes and makeup EVER. That totally excited me even though it's really really quite a dumb no-big-deal thing.

And the Paul and Joe I know wouldn't be anything like the French Paul and Joe. They're not French, and they don't design lipgloss and cute fifties' outfits for a living.

But I've still been going Paul&Joe Paul&Joe Paul&Joe in my head. I even told Joe this new little revelation but he chose to ignore that message on MSN.


At tsok pujas, when the tantric initiates are setting up their offerings, I sit there eyeing up the beads that Mr Khong uses for his mandala set. Actually if I'm not careful, I spend the whole long 2-hours looking at the beads.

Mind, Tsok is like the pujas of pujas and is super holy and heaps of good karma etc etc but I'm sitting on my meditation cushion checking out shiny yellow beads.

Kandarohi said conspiringly, "I dare you to tell Mr Khong that you covet his beads."

So I did and added, "Just WHERE did you get them from?" *blink*

He looked at me like WHAT is this girl doing in my face? And then said, "Errr... I dunno lah. My wife bought them."

A has said to me once: "You know, sometimes you really don't show your intelligence."

At least he thinks I have some!


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