Dolly's Saturday with a bunch of insane girls

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On the up: Meeting old friends
On the down: The time it takes to see them

It takes about a month in advance to plan dinner or lunch with Shantini, Krystal and Lannie. For some reason, it's just so difficult to get four girls together. We must have the most complicated mismatched schedules ever to be found in a group of friends.

Shantini and I first met Krystal and Lannie at the gym many months back when we were thinking of doing some Nike challenge competition thing. We didn't do the competition in the end because none of the instructors wanted to head our team (gee!) so we decided to take off for cake and alcohol instead. Now our entire friendship revolves around eating fattening, unhealthy food and drinking martinis, which is quite ironic considering we'd all bonded over a step board where we'd been trying to get healthy.

We went to the new Alexis in BSC over the weekend and spent four hours gossiping about the silly things girls do (a large part of which obviously involves men bashing). And as is our newly-acquired tradition from dinners past, we crammed our faces together for photos we try to take ourselves. It's *ahem* character building and team working and lots of hard work trying not to cut anyone's nose out.

(PS notice how Shantini looks so glam in every shot, even when she's trying to make a funny face. Everyone else just looks distorted and ridiculous). She's been trained well by her mother.


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