Dolly's fabulous friends

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On the up: Friends who care so much!
On the down: ~nil!~

Remember Project World Peace? The Three S’s have trulymadlydeeply taken it on as some kind new initiative. Every few minutes I get a funny little update by phone or MSN telling me something their every move in relation to PWP.

Chocolate-covered Shirley sent me a message yesterday: "FYI, I'm going to meet PWP at 7pm to discuss work. End of report." Hysterical!

After the meeting she came back with a faithful word-by-word report.

Today, Sharon cut and paste a conversation she’d had with him from MSN. It was nothing exceptional – something quite ordinary about what to eat for dinner. It was hysterical.

Then Shirley had another meeting today. As soon as she got back in her car, she rang to tell me all about it (without my even asking)

I’m starting to think they’re more excited about him than I am. But perhaps that's not such a bad thing? It's like they're planning marriage for me.

Then again, I would go barmy if they didn’t keep me updated because I’m controlling and obsessive like that. And anyway, it’s all the silly trivia that’s most fun.


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