On the up: KarmaOn the down: KARMAI don't know how this is possible
but my ex boyfriend has reincarnated back into my life, without even having to die.
Or maybe he just sat quietly in his bedroom and emanated himself out in another form. Yes, I think that must be it.
It's like the 21 different emanations of Taras, except in this case it's 21 maras and they're all out to teach me some kind of very taxing lesson.
I'm beginning to suspect though, that I must have done something seriously wrong and still haven't learnt the bloody lesson - non-attachment and letting go and learning to develop the Bodhicitta mind and abide in equanimity and all that.
And when you don't learn the lesson, karma makes sure get the same situation over and over again until you do.
And so, history repeats.