A calm but hungry Dolly

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On the up: Peace
On the down: Being hungry!

Okay, so there is peace once again in Dolly's head and world - nice when there is reorder in the world again.

Had a most most most most most splendid Christmas party on Sunday and a premier of my reality show huzzah! Everyone loved it - I mean, of course, what's not to love!

And I did manage to shock everyone a little bit with my outfit - it was so not me!

Now I've decided to take the 8 precepts in dedication of Rinpoche's health and I know I shouldn't bitch about it but but but I sooo can't do this one vegetarian meal a day thing. I SO just WANT TO EAT FRIED CHICKEN and pepperoni pizza and char siu rice and steak!

My mother said, "Is this forever?"

Oh my god, I know I'm trying to be schmoly but I'm really not a nun yet!

This also means no turkey this Christmas which made me grumpy for about 5 seconds then I thought, well heck, there'll be other Christmasses but there aren't other Rinpoches! And when he's as ill as he was earlier this week, I'll give up the turkey man! And the fried chicken, the pepperoni pizza, the char siu and the steak.

And try to stop being a bitch.

And never, ever complain again about work.

Just please get well Rinpoche! love love love


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