Looking into the minds of boys

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On the up: Discoveries about the opposite sex
On the down: Trying to understand the opposite sex

Sharon and I were having lunch with Joe the other day. It was supposed to be about work but ended up being about finding him a new girlfriend.

Wah, damn fussy lah that one: cannot be too old, too young, too fat, must be pretty, cannot smoke, must be Chinese, must be like this, must be like that.

I was like "Look, just get laid. It doesn't matter lah, right?" but didn't say that in case he gave me his BF look.

So anyway, clever Sharon asked him to give us an example of who he thought was pretty.

There was a girl sitting across the restaurant, behind a laptop, so you could only see her face. "What about that girl there?" (She was soooooooooooooooooooo pretty).

"No lah. But but nice body" said Joe very quickly.

Sharon and I were all "HUH?! How you know?"

"I saw her walk past just now what."

"Yah but you noticed that quickly?" asked Sharon, who seemed baffled even for a girl who likes girls.

"Hmmm yah lah! Men see these things very fast wan," + knowing glance, like trying to be clever.

So, this girl walked by, and sat behind a laptop so you couldn't see her and like an hour after she'd walked in Joe still remembered all her vital stats.

And there we were thinking that men were totally unobservant and incapable of multitasking. cheh.


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