Dolly has far too much time on her hands
Published Tuesday, September 19, 2006 by Dolly | E-mail this post
On the up: Being busyOn the down: Being exhaustedI've been a busy bee lately and I've been doing lots of work (in case all of you out there think I am a slacker!). I've forgotten just how bloody exhausting it is to
work hard. What to do.
Thing is, I seem to be real busy busy busy and then at night I collapse in a big bundle of tiredness but nothing ever seems to get done.
So much of the day gets spent doing stupid little shitty things. Like I've just spent an hour backing up all my files and spending lots of time in huge paranoia double checking to see if the files really have been burnt onto a CD. (Some shitty little virus has wormed its way into my compuer and is sending out deranged emails to people, including weird sex-titled mails to people in Dharma centre. So everything's gotta get binned and we gotsta start all over again arg)
Another half an hour emailing everyone in my address book to tell them not to open dodgy emails from me because I'm being plagued.
Then I spent another half an hour cleaning up the junk on my desk, and discovering lots of funny name cards in my handbags (there are many, all over the room).
Another 45 minutes frantically looking through a gigantic stack of ID magazines in preparation for meeting with interior designer tomorrow.
About 3 hours doing three piddly write-ups.
And then suddenly its midnight and I'm exhausted.
How do those 9-to-5 people do it?!