Hardworking Dolly

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On the up: Being busy
On the down: Having not much of a life

I went to bed real late last night/this morning and didn't wake up until noon. Typically, I was rudely awoken by the incessant pinging of my MSN going off like crazy.

So I dragged myself out and saw that Boss Joe had left a few hundred orders for work. pissnmoan. But you can't say no to Joe, he asks so nicely.

But I got it all done within the day.

I'm stuck at home on a Friday night because I still can't drive and everybody is sick so nobody to play with. Found out what's wrong with my car: there are bloody bucket seats that slope backwards, which make my knees stick up and out and tire out the thighs. And there's something wrong the exhaust, so I don't want to risk exploding as I drive.

So I is stuck at home. Blogging and talking to Miin about very strange obsessive fans of Hanson. This is worrying. Then again, so is my rather distinct lack of a life at the moment! pissnmoan


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