Dolly is a fish

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On the up: Making new friends
On the down: Forgetting their names

Yesterday, I started talking to one of the girls in my creative writing course. It's been the third week and it was a bit shaming that I still didn't know everyone's names (there's only 8 of us). So I asked the nice girl next to me with her fantastically large, wavy hair what her name was.

She told me, and I thought, "Oh, what a nice name!"

And fifteen minutes later, I had completely forgotten what it was. I thought maybe it began with a K... or an N... and then was convinced it was something like Kamatchy. It had only been 15 minutes and I thought it would be just too awful to ask her what it was again so I didn't.

Instead, I came up with the grand plan of maybe getting to class extra early next week and asking someone else what her name was. But then that would entail asking them what their names are and it would only cause more confusion.

I am definitely turning into a fish with 3-second memory.


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