Fatness Dolly

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On the up: Health
On the down: Fatness

I had a little health epiphany after hearing some sad news about someone who has cancer, which is that I really should just value the good health that I have and stop being so damn neurotic and chronically obssessed/depressed with losing another 3 kilos.

While at the doctors' today (trying to figure out why I have been talking like a frog for two weeks), I checked this "healthy weight" chart thing he's got pinned up on his door. I check it everytime I go because I'm neurotic like that and just want to make sure but firmly decided today that I'm in the nice green "Healthy Weight" range.

Sure, I ain't as svelte and darling as I would like to be and I know this doesn't give me the license to scoff cupcakes on a Regular Basis, but heck, I got health, I can run around, I can do things and I don't have to live in a hospital. That's good enough. Anyone who thinks I'm fat can kiss my grits!


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