On the up: Having lots of clothes
On the down: Not having enough wardrobe space AND not fitting into anythingI've had today freeeeeeee to sort out all the loose bits of work/chores/Things Long Left Undone.
And so.
I decided to clear out my wardrobe of Undesirables. Always good for clearing junk, practising non-attachment and making more room for more clothes in the near future. I got out two huge rubbish bags and prepared to CLEAR! By the end of it all, I told myself, I shall have a freeee, airy, wardrobe full of Just The Essentials.
But who the hell am I kidding?!!!!!!!!!
I looked at everything and thought,
"But this is so pretty!"
"But this is so vintage!"
"But this would be perfect with my new boots"
"But I need to keep this for proper work meetings."
So I think I ended up keeping 10 things for every one that I threw out.
The Other Dilemma was that I kept pulling things out and sayin to myself, "This would look So Damn Good on me if I was
7KILOS LIGHTER." And since I'm convinced that getting back to that Before size is still possible, I kept those things for Thinner Days. Nothing like a prettee tulle skirt as an incentive to stop eating chocolates.
Well, I haven't made my progress at all. The wardrobe is still full and I can't move my hangers because they're still jammed solid.
But but but:
- new incentives to survive only on mesclun salads
- the (re)discovery of a whole new lot of clothes! Think of the infinite outfit combinations just waiting to happen!