Gender-confused Dolly

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On the up: Cross-dressing
On the down: Mistaken identities

Seeing as I was so excited about the new blog, I thought I'd show it off to A in the morning. He said, through his flu-congested sniffling, "I don't think you should put that photo. You look like a transvestite." Now, I don't have anything against transvetites, I think they're fabulous. Actually many of them are more beautiful than real women but I don't think that was quite what A meant.

Anyway, after many years of people actually thinking I *might* be a boy, it's all starting to get a little confusing, and tired. Bibi (of The Ship fame) even went on to say I'm actually a gay man trapped in a woman's body (so what does that make A?). Well, so, the photo is down and bright red lippy is up in its place....

Not that it's trying to say anything about gender and I don't even wear bright red lipstick but it just fits the red and pink colour scheme lah.


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