Pink Dolly

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On the up: Weekends
On the down: Work on the weekends

Whoopee! A new blog! I even put some effort in customised it pink... took bloody forever just to figure out how to change the colour but I DID IT! Now will someone please please teach me Photoshop so I can put up a nicer banner thing than what you're looking at now? Gawd, this HTML, technology thing is just so awful.

I know how to turn on the computer, check email, write my articles and send them to the relevant people. The end. And now HTML?! "Layers" in Photoshop? *gag*

Anyway, remember Dolly Mixture and how it died? Well I couldn't keep my big mouth shut. Must keep writing junk and polluting the spaces of the web. If people don't like it, tough - they can go read something else.

Boyfriend, A, said one day, "You can tell how narcissistic someone is just through their blog" which of course was an indirect reference to me. Um... yah... of course it's narcissistic. Otherwise, what's the point? hehe


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